Monday, May 5, 2008

What to do to help?

I watched the Iron Man movie last week. It was one of the best superhero movies that I have ever seen. It's theme focused on making a difference in the world. Tony Stark faced the stark reality of what he was doing and decided to make a difference in the world; he created an iron suit and took down the bad guys. In the real world, I do not know if the bad guys are as cut and dried as they are in the Marvel Universe. I also do not find easy ways to help people.

Let's say that you were to use $500 to help someone. What would you use it on?

This isn't just some abstract discussion. We all have rebate checks coming and could use them to help people. I am just wondering what the best use of the money would be for myself and, possibly, for you.


Anonymous said...

Adopting a baby. That to me would be pretty heroic. Or going to an orphanage and getting a baby from there. Now if you could only figure out some way to include an impoverished nation in there. I would consider that heroic.

Teaching at a college. Maybe even getting a degree and jumping through hoops so that you satisfy the requirements to do so while ministering to a local body of believers. That's heroic.

Perhaps this is too abstract and I know it is not what you were getting at. Just what I thought when I read your post.

Regan Clem said...

Adoption is on our to-do list, but that cannot be done with only $500 dollars nor are we at a point in our lives for it with three kids under four and a six-year-old. But the day will hopefully come.

And I am working on becoming a teacher in college right now (I should be reading a book rather than wasting a few minutes - that turns into a half hour - on the internet). My hope is to teach at a college. Unfortunately, I do not meet the requirement of serving at a local church while doing it. I am just plugging online at my job in retail while I help out at the church as much as possible. But the college is costing me much more than $500.

I am beginning to wonder if $500 is so minimal of an amount of money that we cannot really do much help with it.

Anonymous said...

SHUT YOUR MOUTH! So sorry. That came out too strongly. But I am sorry. You cannot believe how far a little amount can go and, perhaps more importantly, can inspire... and more importantly, it is a matter of trust in Him to do something with it, not by your might, strength or wealth.

Whether two mites or a small lunch, it is His pleasure to make much of nothing. He does it every day with these earthen vessels. Every waterfall is simply billions of single drops of water that, in time, wear away the stone.

How many bottles or water could $500 buy for the Burmese? Do you know how many wells could be dug or maintained in Kenya for $500? How many vaccinations could be provided? Perhaps even a trip, where your presence could be felt in Slidell or New Orleans. There would be people there willing to take you in, feed you and share their home just to have your presence, your attention, your regard. Yes, $500 could do it and could make a HUGE difference.

So sorry. I just hear too many people personify Phoenix's character's comments in Hotel Rwanda and I heard so many during Katrina and Rita say, "With all the millions of dollars of damages what will my contribution help," to know that that is the lie that held back the help from a million prodigal sons.

The question isn't what would you do with $500, the question is what would you do with only $100... or perhaps only $20. What will you do with the amount you save from walking today instead of filling up your tank... or from true fasting, what will you do with the food you don't eat?

Sorry... this isn't an attack. I just love your question and think the individual who wrote before you highlights daily choices, waking up every morning and asking, "What today, LORD, with what I have," as opposed to "this is what I will do Lord, when I get"

Regan Clem said...

Thanks Eric. I am trying to figure out who to give money to to help the Burmese or to dig wells in Kenya. How do you know who to give your money to?

Who would you give your money to?

Anonymous said...

Burma is difficult right not because of political issues with the US, but there are ways to get it to international organizations, kind of a laundering giving, but in a good way.

I would be happy to give you information on Kenyan wells. There is also a wonderful program where your money purchases a goat or a cow for a family and they use that to make money (selling offspring and milk) and food for their family.

I am so far behind but one of the intentions of our nehemiahsBROTHER web page is to have a world map with information and contacts about countries, what is happening there and areas in which people can support, give, pray and make tangible differences.

Regan Clem said...

I thought I replied the other day. If possible, I would love to have the information on buying a cow for a family (I wouldn't mind a cow myself) and Kenyan wells.