Friday, May 2, 2008

In Honor and Remembrance

Andy and Denise Timm were honored this past weekend at Macomb Christian Church for 20 years of ministry at that church. These days, 2 years is an accomplishment, much less 20. So, congratulations to them. For those who don’t know, Andy was my youth minister and very formative in me becoming who I am (the good aspects that is). I was asked to write a letter that was read at the banquet describing their impact upon me. So here it is:

Andy and Denise arrived at Macomb at about the same time as my family. We were both new to the area and new to the church. We experienced so much together – the purchase of the current property, the sell of the old property, the meeting at Stevenson High School, and finally the ground breaking and building of the current facility. There were plenty of ups and downs and through it all Andy and Denise continued to minister to the youth in the church.

I remember the beginning when we were a small, fledgling youth group. From Sunday to Sunday Andy would not know whether to expect 2 or 10. I remember a few youth groups at Andy and Denise’s old house when it was just Ryan Taylor, David Tanner and myself. I also remember a packed out downstairs where it was sitting room only. Or perhaps we were outside, experiencing another one of the many “Stupid Andy Games” that somehow introduced a new twist with a Frisbee, kickball, and 2-Liter bottle. Through it all – the games, the lessons, and the activities – Andy and Denise continued to pour their lives into ours.

I suppose what I appreciate most about their ministry to me was their patience. Yes, they were intelligent, spiritual, encouraging, and loving. But let’s be honest – how many people could put up with the immature behavior displayed by the group that Andy cut his Youth Ministry teeth on? I’ll never forget that fateful trip to the North American Christian Convention in Kansas City. One day we packed 10 people into a mini-van and as the boisterous teenagers had a good time Andy broadsided a car. Though I might have reprimanded said teens for distracting me and causing the accident, Andy went out, dealt with the situation and in an act of sheer patience, handed me the license plate from our van with a wry smile on his face. Yes, the Timms did more than put up with us – they encouraged us to grow and become who God created us to be.

From a personal standpoint, I was impressed and impacted by Andy’s intelligence in the Bible and the Biblical languages. He may have never realized this, but part of the reason I was eager to take Greek and Hebrew at GLCC was because of Andy’s use of the languages in our more in-depth discussions. He was the first to introduce me to the intellectual side of the faith.

And then there was Denise and her desire to use her vocal gifts by forming a youth choir. I will never forget our 5 member choir belting out Gaither tunes to a packed out audience of 20 at the old Hayes Road Property. How she made that group of tone deaf kids sound good I will never know.

A final impact that I wanted to touch on revolved around praise and worship. Both Andy and Denise displayed an understanding that worship is more than singing but connects the worshiper with the Creator. I distinctly remember the praise time at CIY in the early 90s where I was less than interested in singing along with Tony and Doni. But there they were showing that one could be led into the throne of God even by these long haired relics from the 80s. It didn’t matter the setting, they made it clear that the worship of our Almighty God, though it could be fun, exciting, and even emotional at times, was a privilege that should be taken seriously.

Plenty of stories could be recounted, from the police invading our Lock-ins – sometimes twice in one night – to the Love fests of encouragement at CIY, and through it all, wonderful memories were created. For these and the many reasons time does not permit me to expound upon, I will be forever grateful for the influence that Andy and Denise have had on my life. As I enter into my PhD study, I am constantly reminded that the academic world places a high priority on one’s background – where you have studied and more importantly under whom you have studied. But for me, the background that contains far more impact is the formative people in one’s Christian walk. And for me, the Timms are at the top of the list. Thank you for all you have done for me, and continue to do for the Kingdom. May God bless you in your ministry, because you have surely blessed me.

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