Thursday, November 13, 2008

Radical Homosexual Activist Group Interrupts Worship Service

I was sent this article. It read more like a fear-and-anger-filled rant to me, so I sought out Lansing State Journal's account.

I live by this credo: Do not fear(Luke 12:4-7). What happens when a community of faith operates in fear? It fails to continue to be a community of faith, that's what. You cannot both trust God and fear the things of this world. Fear God, and no one else.

So, I rebuke the sort of fear-mongering I see in the Wold Net Daily's article, which seems to subtly promote physical retaliation to non-violent (though offensive) protests.

I call for us to set our hearts and minds on things above where Christ is seated. Now is the time for us to put to death every reaction which is born from our earthly nature; the anger, rage, malice, slander and filthy language which do nothing to heal. It is essential that we become completely clothed in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. We must model the same persistent forgiveness that the Lord has for us. Bottom line: we must love, love and love. Nothing else is acceptable for a people called to reflect who Jesus is, and what He is like.

Just because an enemy tries to incite a riot does not mean that we oblige. That's not the Way of Jesus. He says to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us that we may be sons of our Father in heaven. We do not bash back. We love back.


Sam said...

Thanks for article and the application. I was so pleased to read that though this group wanted to incite a riot, none of the Mt. Hope people fought back. This group may call their actions a "fierce success" but I think the church was even more faithful in their response of love.

In a less than successful story, I assume you have heard of the fight at the church of the Holy Sepulcher. Here is the video story if you haven't:

It's shameful.

mindbender said...

Did you guys see this one too?