Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Prayer for President-elect Barack Obama

First of all, I praise the God of mercy and healing for working so powerfully in the lives of people in this country that they could look beyond the color of a man's skin, and an odd-sounding name to elect Barack Obama. It is a miraculous transformation of hearts that would never have happened without God's Holy Spirit working through his church.

I also breathe an 'Amen' in recognition that Jesus is as much on his thrown today as he was eight years ago, and sixteen years ago. His term will never expire, and no power is beyond his reach.

King Jesus, may your hand be on our next President. Keep him safe from all who would do him harm, especially for those would seek to harm him physically.

I pray that you surround him with loyal and trustworthy allies. Fill his cabinet with wisdom and integrity.

I ask that you would bring healing to this country through him. Press upon his heart the needs of a country beyond the desires of his party. Through your Spirit, clothe him with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and love.

Bring to ruin all plans to churn up hatred and fear for political ends. Let the liars and biggots and fear-mongers be forever silenced.

Help all of those who have put their hope in any politician see the error of their ways and return to you, the Forever King. Amen

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