Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Just a President

I really hope that you are paying close attention to this monumental campaign season. We are at a crossroads of history. And it is our vote that will elect the face of America.

He is the image of the invisible God,

We are talking about the President and the first lady of the biggest super-power of the industrialized world.

the firstborn over all creation.

We must not underestimate the importance the Executive Branch plays in the push and pull balance of our checks and balance system of Federal Government.

For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible,

He will probably appoint a judge, approved by the Senate of course. He will veto legislation composed by the House and Senate that could potentially make us less safe or less wealthy.

whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.

His leadership will be the stabilizing force for our country.

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

He is the leader of the free world.

And he is the head of the body, the church;

He is the Commander In Chief of the most powerful military force on earth.

he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.

He will speak to the world on our behalf.

For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him

Our standard of living, the very peace we take for granted is at stake here.

to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

This is simply an attempt to humbly remind us that we are only voting for a President. He will not be, cannot be anything more or less than that. The King Lives! The King reigns! Forever and ever, Amen!

View the alluded Scripture.


Beki said...

Thank you!

shannoncaroland said...

Beki, it was great to see you and Mike the other day. Id you guys could ever stop in on Sunday that would be a huge treat for the folks here, to be sure.

Love your blog title, and just wanted to say I finally read Watership Down this summer, and have been mocked pretty mercilessly for spending so much time on my bunny book. It was worth it, though.

Aleks said...

It may sound rude, but here in an obscure eastern European country (How do say it? Osseti-what?) we only hear probably about 5 per cent of the hullabaloo of the exciting draining presidential campaign. And in a way, I'm glad.

My radio alarm clock is set to the BBC World Service. Hearing Hillary this morning forced me out of bed. And I'm glad she did. I didn't want to get up.

"I want it to be over," I thought to myself.

I can imagine how one feels if that's all that is on TV as if the rest of the world (There's a country of Georgia? Seriously?) exists only in people's imagination.

But if I know myself, I'll log on to C-SPAN to watch every single presidential debate. If I know myself, I'll continue reading newspaper coverage of the election campaign. If I know myself, I will be all exhausted by the time the second Tuesday after the first Monday arrives.

But I do it because I am a fan. A political junkie. An addict of rhetoric and electoral process. It's like spending time with your fantasy football team, or playing Dungeons and Dragons.

But you're right - it can be too much too fast. And it helps to keep it all in perspective. Thanks, Shannon.

shannoncaroland said...

Are you really in Ossetia?

Aleks said...

No, not really. I didn't have to go.

I'm at home, where the ripple effect of South Ossetia is felt very strongly. The recent poll suggested about 80 per cent of Latvians are following what's going on there. We're watching a bit concerned for our future.

Whatever America, the European Union, and Russia decide to do next impacts us, the former Soviet republics, significantly. Being a tiny country we're a subject of waves made by world's heaveweights, including your government.

So in a way, for us, it's more than just electing a president.