The question is not, “What kind of Savior did God send?” We know what kind. The kind who loves and brings light. The question is, “When people go looking for the Savior, what do they find?” Do they find the child born of love?
Because if the world finds a Savior that is of our making, they will be sorely disappointed. Unfortunately, I think people find a Savior of our own construction and not the true light. They find a Savior that we have twisted and turned into a cosmic policeman who comes and judges with the sword. They find a cruel, judgmental God instead of a loving, forgiving God. And so people think, “Why would I follow that sort of Savior? I’m clearly in the wrong place.” And you know what, they would be right. They are in the wrong place, because we have led them to the wrong place. Paul makes this amazing metaphor that puts us right into the Christmas story. He says the following in Philippians 2:14-16:
“Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life.”
Did you catch that? He calls us stars. Stars that are shining as we hold out the word of life. A star led the Magi to the newborn king. Stars guided sailors across the ocean. Stars are every bit a source of light as they are a guide. They are lights, beacons. And Paul tells us that when we live a certain way of life we become those stars. When we live without complaining about the state of affairs and work towards bettering the situation. When we don’t argue with one another about petty things that detract from movement of the kingdom. When we are blameless and pure, not hypocrites who complain about the evil in the world but contribute to it through our own sins. When we live in that sort of way then Paul says we become those beacons. We become like Christ as a source of light, life, and love.
As others learn of the hope, peace, joy, and love you have in your life in Christ, they will recognize their need for Him. Like the star that led the way of the Magi to the Savior, we lead people as well. We lead them to an encounter with the God of the Universe. Our job, as stars, is not to judge. Or job, as stars, is not to condemn and berate people. Our job, as stars, is to lead people to experience the Savior for themselves and find out just why he came to this earth. To find out what we already know – that Jesus came to this world for love.
Advent is a time of preparing our hearts, minds, and lives for the coming of the Savior. And I wonder today, how many of us are ready to receive him? Are you ready for this kind of Jesus?
When God offers grace and forgiveness for your past mistakes are you ready?
When God arrives to do a new and exciting work, are you ready?
When God challenges you to step up and do things that you don’t feel comfortable with and aren’t particularly talented in, are you ready?
When God challenges you to commit your time and resources for the ministry of the kingdom, are you ready?
When God challenges you to do more than complain, but work towards the betterment of this church, are you ready?
When God tells you to love your neighbor – including and especially your enemies, are you ready?
When God tells you to give to people as they have need – things like encouragement and acceptance – are you ready?
Are you ready for this kind of Jesus? This Jesus who tells us to let our light shine so brightly that it brings life and love. Are you ready?
Is the world ready? Is this world ready for a Jesus who doesn’t regulate morality with the sword but through love? I believe the answer is a resounding “Yes!!!!” The world is more than ready. Romans says that the creation has been groaning and crying out. The world is ready. But this isn’t the sort of Savior they are expecting. Most of the world when they hear of Savior they think of a political one. When they think of the message of Christianity they think of hypocritical bigots. So let’s give them what they don’t expect.
Let’s give them life – a new, full life that Jesus promises.
Let’s give them light – hope, joy and peace in this dark world.
Let’s give them love – the same sort of love that God extended to us and that we have already accepted.
And let’s give it to them not just at Christmas when it seems appropriate, but all through the year. It has been said: "The stars do not shout; they only shine." Any Christian, however obscure, can be a light to those around and thus attract and guide humanity to a loving encounter with the God of the Universe. Jesus says simply, "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Advent: Love Sermon Part 1
I’ve always wondered what the Magi expected when they went searching for “the one who is to be born King of the Jews.” I am not sure if they even expected a baby. But even if they did, he sure didn’t seem like royalty. I also wonder what they thought when they came to the place where Jesus was. I can imagine the scene as these travelers who have followed a star in the sky from a distant land finally come to the house that holds this person about whom prophecies foretold. And as they get closer they think, “This is not the best part of town. Are we sure our coordinates are correct?” And one of the others says, “We’re both looking at the same blinding light in the sky, right? Well then yes, this is the place.” And as they park their camels in front of this modest abode, they become even more uncomfortable leaving their nice rides out front of the house in full view of what looks like some suspicious teenagers. But, the star is right above this spot, so they can’t exactly disagree. And as they knock on the door, a poor woman answers, whom they assume is the maid, but come to find out she is actually the mother, Mary.
One Magi looks at the others and says, “Wise man conference, right now.” They go and huddle in the corner and are completely dumbfounded by being confronted with the unexpected. They expected a prince – a king in training – with all the royal accessories like a golden crib, a diamond studded pacifier, purple silk diapers, and a crystal milk bottle. What they got was, to put it nicely, a hovel. They found a baby with stained cloth diapers in a wooden crib with straw to keep him warm. A mother who was better suited to be a handmaid than a Queen. And a father whose rough, calloused hands told of a difficult way of life rather than one of kingly luxury. And through their quick deliberation they come to the conclusion that the coordinates to their searching are correct, but their expectations were not. And so they reevaluate their approach and present their kingly gifts to this homely baby that defied their expectations.
From then on, this Messiah continued to defy expectations. The Jews sought a political savior and instead they get a spiritual one. They hoped for a reigning King and instead they got a crucified criminal.
I wonder what we expect when we think of God entering into this world? Do we expect a judge who will punish the sinners who have ruined this world? Do we expect an enforcer who strictly imposes the letter of the law on his followers? Do we want a warrior king, someone who will fight for us? Because if we do, we will be sorely disappointed. Jesus is a lover, not a fighter. One of our most cherished passages of Scripture, John 3:16, clearly testifies to this – For God so loved the world. A love born of God’s connectedness with us as God’s creation. We stand as God’s treasured possession.
In love God sent Jesus into the world. In love Jesus turned the other cheek and endured scorn. In love Jesus died on the cross for us. In love Jesus judges the world, but not as we would judge. We judge with the sword. We think justice involves punishment. But that is not what John 3:17 says constitutes judgment: “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” Jesus did not come for condemnation but for salvation. This king, this Savior, does not wield a sword; he wields a staff, and like a shepherd gently prods his people back. Any expectations of God as a cruel judge melt before the heat of his love. Yes, there is judgment, but Love is the judge – not the sword.
To help illustrate this concept, John uses the imagery of light piercing the darkness. He says in verses 19-21, “Light has come into the world, but humanity loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.”
Light can’t help but illuminate darkness. The very properties inherent within light accomplish this. Light is not attacking darkness in some violent way. Light just dispels darkness because light is more powerful. Have you ever noticed how far a little light goes? In complete darkness just a glimmer of light can be overpowering as our eyes adjust. In the same way, the Light of Jesus can’t help but disperse the darkness of sin. That is just what Jesus does. John 1 says that in Jesus was life, and that life was the light of men. It is in Jesus’ very nature to bring light and life and love.
Some people can’t help but be nice, caring, loving. We often say that is second nature to them. There is some truth in that, but not what we may think. This sort of nature is not just a trait that they received at birth. Some people have cultivated a certain nature of love. They have replaced their selfish nature with an inherently loving, self-sacrificing one. Maybe that is supposed to be all of our natures as our selfish one is replaced with a second, renewed, spiritual one. Maybe we are all supposed to be transformed into the kind of people who naturally love first because it is an overflow of who we are. Maybe we are all supposed to have the same nature of life, light, and love.
One Magi looks at the others and says, “Wise man conference, right now.” They go and huddle in the corner and are completely dumbfounded by being confronted with the unexpected. They expected a prince – a king in training – with all the royal accessories like a golden crib, a diamond studded pacifier, purple silk diapers, and a crystal milk bottle. What they got was, to put it nicely, a hovel. They found a baby with stained cloth diapers in a wooden crib with straw to keep him warm. A mother who was better suited to be a handmaid than a Queen. And a father whose rough, calloused hands told of a difficult way of life rather than one of kingly luxury. And through their quick deliberation they come to the conclusion that the coordinates to their searching are correct, but their expectations were not. And so they reevaluate their approach and present their kingly gifts to this homely baby that defied their expectations.
From then on, this Messiah continued to defy expectations. The Jews sought a political savior and instead they get a spiritual one. They hoped for a reigning King and instead they got a crucified criminal.
I wonder what we expect when we think of God entering into this world? Do we expect a judge who will punish the sinners who have ruined this world? Do we expect an enforcer who strictly imposes the letter of the law on his followers? Do we want a warrior king, someone who will fight for us? Because if we do, we will be sorely disappointed. Jesus is a lover, not a fighter. One of our most cherished passages of Scripture, John 3:16, clearly testifies to this – For God so loved the world. A love born of God’s connectedness with us as God’s creation. We stand as God’s treasured possession.
In love God sent Jesus into the world. In love Jesus turned the other cheek and endured scorn. In love Jesus died on the cross for us. In love Jesus judges the world, but not as we would judge. We judge with the sword. We think justice involves punishment. But that is not what John 3:17 says constitutes judgment: “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” Jesus did not come for condemnation but for salvation. This king, this Savior, does not wield a sword; he wields a staff, and like a shepherd gently prods his people back. Any expectations of God as a cruel judge melt before the heat of his love. Yes, there is judgment, but Love is the judge – not the sword.
To help illustrate this concept, John uses the imagery of light piercing the darkness. He says in verses 19-21, “Light has come into the world, but humanity loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.”
Light can’t help but illuminate darkness. The very properties inherent within light accomplish this. Light is not attacking darkness in some violent way. Light just dispels darkness because light is more powerful. Have you ever noticed how far a little light goes? In complete darkness just a glimmer of light can be overpowering as our eyes adjust. In the same way, the Light of Jesus can’t help but disperse the darkness of sin. That is just what Jesus does. John 1 says that in Jesus was life, and that life was the light of men. It is in Jesus’ very nature to bring light and life and love.
Some people can’t help but be nice, caring, loving. We often say that is second nature to them. There is some truth in that, but not what we may think. This sort of nature is not just a trait that they received at birth. Some people have cultivated a certain nature of love. They have replaced their selfish nature with an inherently loving, self-sacrificing one. Maybe that is supposed to be all of our natures as our selfish one is replaced with a second, renewed, spiritual one. Maybe we are all supposed to be transformed into the kind of people who naturally love first because it is an overflow of who we are. Maybe we are all supposed to have the same nature of life, light, and love.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas, Ahmadinejad, America, and Christ
Iran's President Ahmadinejad gave a speech proclaiming
I think his reading of the New Testament is a little skewed. I never really saw Jesus attack political authorities. He did go after the religious establishment, but not the political leaders.
If Christ was on Earth today, he undoubtedly would teach love your neighbor and give unto the United States what is the United States' and to God what is God's.
"If Christ was on Earth today undoubtedly he would stand with the people in opposition to bullying, ill-tempered and expansionist powers...If Christ was on Earth today undoubtedly he would hoist the banner of justice and love for humanity to oppose warmongers, occupiers, terrorists and bullies the world over. If Christ was on Earth today undoubtedly he would fight against the tyrannical policies of prevailing global economic and political systems, as He did in His lifetime."
I think his reading of the New Testament is a little skewed. I never really saw Jesus attack political authorities. He did go after the religious establishment, but not the political leaders.
If Christ was on Earth today, he undoubtedly would teach love your neighbor and give unto the United States what is the United States' and to God what is God's.
Monday, December 22, 2008
The Christmas Story - a work in progress
I have been working on a project off and on for about 5 years. I have never been overlay satisfied with it, but am still not. Part of my dissatisfaction stems from my weakness in writing fantasy fiction. The other part stems from rewriting such a powerful passage of scripture. So, I put this out there and am open to your honest critics. What can I do to make it better? Should I just turn the project over to someone else who can write it better? Let me know. So here it is:
(I recommend reading Revelation 12 before reading my rendition)
Though the sun rose each morning, the days in Jerusalem were dark. Little joy or hope could be found. This place did not live up to its name, “City of Peace” because for many years Jerusalem lived under the shadow of the great beast from the sea – the dragon. As dragons go, this was no ordinary mythic creature. He was the most powerful dragon that ever lived. He could blot out the sun when he flew in front of it and could send stars flying out of the galaxy or crashing towards earth with the sweep of his tail. His appearance was unlike any normal dragon’s form. This gigantic beast was colored red as though dripping in blood. He had not one head but seven. Each head had ten horns and each head had a crown. The heads were the source of his power and the authority of his crowns put down any contenders.
The dragon’s official name was Herod. Of course, those who had heard of his cruelty called him Hasatan—the Adversary—which is what we shall call him. Hasatan ruled the land with an iron fist. He kept his brand of “peace” by spreading fear and violence. Any resistance was met with execution. In fact, Hasatan was so paranoid about people usurping his throne that he consumed his wife with fire and devoured his 3 offspring for fear that they were plotting against him.
Indeed, the days were dark. But in the midst of this bleak situation, a light began to shine. This light began as just a spark and almost flickered and died out. Nevertheless, when darkness seems so complete, little is required to bring hope.
A woman became pregnant with child. Ordinarily, such an event was worth celebrating, but this was no ordinary child and no ordinary woman. Her appearance was startling and looking at her was like looking into the light of the sun. Her clothes were the sun and her shoes the moon. Upon her head rested a crown with 12 stars. She was indeed royalty as she stood for the matriarch of the 12 tribes of Israel. Through her and her offspring the tribes would be united and all the earth would know a time of peace that had not been known since the expulsion of humankind from Eden. The child would fulfill the prophecy spoken by the oracle Y’shiah:
Once the child destroyed the power of the dragon this child of prophecy would rule the land not with fear and violence but with an iron scepter. After all, the child’s authority stemmed from his rightful place as God of the Land not from wars waged against all opposition.
So when Hasatan heard of the birth of one who was claming rights to kingship in the land, he burned with anger and acted out of fear. Gathering his minions, he enacted a plan to destroy any hope of a Savior. Children bearing any likeness to this prophetic figure were immediately slaughtered. The blood of the massacre spilled into the streets. Cries of great pain and sorrow erupted throughout the land as the death toll grew.
But elsewhere, in the long forgotten town known as “The House of Bread” the matriarch cried out in a different kind of pain. Her son, the foretold figure, was born into this world. In keeping with the prophecy she named him Yeshua—Yahweh Saves—fully aware of his salvific purpose in this world. Frightened that her son would suffer the same fate as so many other children, she fled to a place where this sea monster serpent could not find her. She and baby escaped into the Land of the Sun where they hid out of the dragon’s reach until his fury had subsided.
When they returned from the desert the baby was no longer a helpless infant. No force could stand up against his strength and power. Everywhere Hasatan had enacted his cruelty, Yeshua rectified the bleak condition by healing the mangled, freeing captives, and destroying the oppressive control that were marks of the Dragon’s regime. Each day as the spark of light grew and made its way into his kingdom, Hasatan grew angrier and more scared. And so he enacted a plan to finish the evil plot he began so long ago.
Eventually, Yeshua and Hasatan met on the Hill of the Skull, Golgatha, either to prove the prophecy or destroy all hope. Yeshua took the best shot Hasatan had to give, and not only survived but destroyed Hasatan’s greatest weapon—fear of death. As the light of life enfolded Yeshua, the epic battle was over. With victory in hand, Yeshua ascended into heaven. But just as a spark of fire sets a forest ablaze, so the flicker of light emanating from Yeshua began to crowd out the darkness. No longer was the gloom of despair over the land. The light of hope radiated from all who heard the news.
The great dragon was defeated, but evil was not destroyed completely. Hoping to salvage some remnant of power and control, he and his minions stormed the gates of heaven seeking to cripple Yeshua’s power. But they were met by the Commander of Heaven’s Army, Michael, with the Army of Yahweh in tow. Heaven’s army turned Hasatan’s dark ensemble away, casting them back to the earth to wander around in defeat, hoping to recruit enough followers to once again stage a coup against the Kingdom of Light. He continues to battle but has no chance for victory. For the dawn has broken and the Son Shines!
The Christmas Story on LSD according to “The Apocalypse”
(I recommend reading Revelation 12 before reading my rendition)
Though the sun rose each morning, the days in Jerusalem were dark. Little joy or hope could be found. This place did not live up to its name, “City of Peace” because for many years Jerusalem lived under the shadow of the great beast from the sea – the dragon. As dragons go, this was no ordinary mythic creature. He was the most powerful dragon that ever lived. He could blot out the sun when he flew in front of it and could send stars flying out of the galaxy or crashing towards earth with the sweep of his tail. His appearance was unlike any normal dragon’s form. This gigantic beast was colored red as though dripping in blood. He had not one head but seven. Each head had ten horns and each head had a crown. The heads were the source of his power and the authority of his crowns put down any contenders.
The dragon’s official name was Herod. Of course, those who had heard of his cruelty called him Hasatan—the Adversary—which is what we shall call him. Hasatan ruled the land with an iron fist. He kept his brand of “peace” by spreading fear and violence. Any resistance was met with execution. In fact, Hasatan was so paranoid about people usurping his throne that he consumed his wife with fire and devoured his 3 offspring for fear that they were plotting against him.
Indeed, the days were dark. But in the midst of this bleak situation, a light began to shine. This light began as just a spark and almost flickered and died out. Nevertheless, when darkness seems so complete, little is required to bring hope.
A woman became pregnant with child. Ordinarily, such an event was worth celebrating, but this was no ordinary child and no ordinary woman. Her appearance was startling and looking at her was like looking into the light of the sun. Her clothes were the sun and her shoes the moon. Upon her head rested a crown with 12 stars. She was indeed royalty as she stood for the matriarch of the 12 tribes of Israel. Through her and her offspring the tribes would be united and all the earth would know a time of peace that had not been known since the expulsion of humankind from Eden. The child would fulfill the prophecy spoken by the oracle Y’shiah:
“On that day
Yahweh with his cruel and great and strong sword
will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent,
Leviathan the twisting serpent,
and he will kill the dragon that is in the sea.”
Yahweh with his cruel and great and strong sword
will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent,
Leviathan the twisting serpent,
and he will kill the dragon that is in the sea.”
Once the child destroyed the power of the dragon this child of prophecy would rule the land not with fear and violence but with an iron scepter. After all, the child’s authority stemmed from his rightful place as God of the Land not from wars waged against all opposition.
So when Hasatan heard of the birth of one who was claming rights to kingship in the land, he burned with anger and acted out of fear. Gathering his minions, he enacted a plan to destroy any hope of a Savior. Children bearing any likeness to this prophetic figure were immediately slaughtered. The blood of the massacre spilled into the streets. Cries of great pain and sorrow erupted throughout the land as the death toll grew.
But elsewhere, in the long forgotten town known as “The House of Bread” the matriarch cried out in a different kind of pain. Her son, the foretold figure, was born into this world. In keeping with the prophecy she named him Yeshua—Yahweh Saves—fully aware of his salvific purpose in this world. Frightened that her son would suffer the same fate as so many other children, she fled to a place where this sea monster serpent could not find her. She and baby escaped into the Land of the Sun where they hid out of the dragon’s reach until his fury had subsided.
When they returned from the desert the baby was no longer a helpless infant. No force could stand up against his strength and power. Everywhere Hasatan had enacted his cruelty, Yeshua rectified the bleak condition by healing the mangled, freeing captives, and destroying the oppressive control that were marks of the Dragon’s regime. Each day as the spark of light grew and made its way into his kingdom, Hasatan grew angrier and more scared. And so he enacted a plan to finish the evil plot he began so long ago.
Eventually, Yeshua and Hasatan met on the Hill of the Skull, Golgatha, either to prove the prophecy or destroy all hope. Yeshua took the best shot Hasatan had to give, and not only survived but destroyed Hasatan’s greatest weapon—fear of death. As the light of life enfolded Yeshua, the epic battle was over. With victory in hand, Yeshua ascended into heaven. But just as a spark of fire sets a forest ablaze, so the flicker of light emanating from Yeshua began to crowd out the darkness. No longer was the gloom of despair over the land. The light of hope radiated from all who heard the news.
The great dragon was defeated, but evil was not destroyed completely. Hoping to salvage some remnant of power and control, he and his minions stormed the gates of heaven seeking to cripple Yeshua’s power. But they were met by the Commander of Heaven’s Army, Michael, with the Army of Yahweh in tow. Heaven’s army turned Hasatan’s dark ensemble away, casting them back to the earth to wander around in defeat, hoping to recruit enough followers to once again stage a coup against the Kingdom of Light. He continues to battle but has no chance for victory. For the dawn has broken and the Son Shines!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Read Through The Bible In A Year
Here is a good reading plan that you can print out to read through the Bible in a year.
No reason to wait till the new year. Go ahead and get a head start.
No reason to wait till the new year. Go ahead and get a head start.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Joy to the World
Seeing as this week is the week of Joy in the Advent season, and I am busy preparing for a German proficiency test (prayers desired), here is a video for your entertainment and edification. If this doesn't get you in the "Christmas spirit", I don't know what will.
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Great Temptation
Now that I am moving to a position that is paid through fundraising, I find myself tempted to make decisions to please others (and raise funds) rather than do what I would normally do.
The major one is on deciding what church to attend in Oxford. When we visited, I really connected with the church we visited. I spent a year visiting churches three years ago. I know what it is like to experience a church for the first time. I know what I am looking for in a church. When I was hunting for a community to become a part of, none of the churches seem to have more than a few of the points I was looking for. I am conscious that I am overly critical, but this church hit the spot. It's the church I was praying to find three years ago. It just happened to be three hours away.
One of the key goals in my campus ministry will be to train the students how to function in a church, whether that is a house church or a traditional church is not important, but being part of a church outside of the campus ministry is an important element of discipling. In four years, they will be out of college. Having had a good time in campus ministry will have helped them remain faithful in college, but it will not have laid the foundation of life in a church body that will be essential for the rest of their lives. I do not want to ignore that.
Because this church is nondenominational and not Church of Christ/Christian Church, I began to wonder whether deciding to go there would hurt my fundraising. I came to the conclusion that the question of whether it will be good for fundraising or not should not influence the decision of where we go to church. Despite the fact that I will have tons of fellowship and interaction with other believers through the campus ministry, my family will not. The church needs to be an extension of my training up my children into who God wants them to be and it should exemplify what God wants his church to be. I want my children to follow Christ with all of their being and to believe that the body assembled is important to the world. Many people think that the church is irrelevant; that is the result of many churches being irrelevant. I want my kids to see God's glory shining through His collected people. A healthy church helps in doing that.
Combining my desire to introduce students to a healthy church environment and my responsibility to raise my family in the Lord, I am left with deciding that I will do what the Lord wants rather than to please potential partners who need to believe in me and my ministry.
This is the biggest example of this temptation in my life, but it is cropping up all the time. I have decided to take the stubborn road of just doing what I think is best in regards to my ministry and my life rather than doing what I think will make me most appealing to others for raising money. It does become somewhat more difficult in that fundraising is part of my ministry. The partners I find through fundraising are people I want to diligently pray for and minister to if they need it. I will not be able to do the ministry without them. But I need to just focus on God and what he wants of me. If I do something to please men rather than God, I begin to place my trust in men and my witty wisdom. If I follow Him, He will provide.
It's not about pleasing myself or others; it's about pleasing God.
Rich Mullins wrote in his song, My One Thing:
Save me from those things that might distract me
Please take them away and purify my heart
I don't want to lose the eternal for the things that are passing
'Cause what will I have when the world is gone
If it isn't for the love that goes on and on with
My one thing
You're my one thing
And the pure in heart shall see God
The major one is on deciding what church to attend in Oxford. When we visited, I really connected with the church we visited. I spent a year visiting churches three years ago. I know what it is like to experience a church for the first time. I know what I am looking for in a church. When I was hunting for a community to become a part of, none of the churches seem to have more than a few of the points I was looking for. I am conscious that I am overly critical, but this church hit the spot. It's the church I was praying to find three years ago. It just happened to be three hours away.
One of the key goals in my campus ministry will be to train the students how to function in a church, whether that is a house church or a traditional church is not important, but being part of a church outside of the campus ministry is an important element of discipling. In four years, they will be out of college. Having had a good time in campus ministry will have helped them remain faithful in college, but it will not have laid the foundation of life in a church body that will be essential for the rest of their lives. I do not want to ignore that.
Because this church is nondenominational and not Church of Christ/Christian Church, I began to wonder whether deciding to go there would hurt my fundraising. I came to the conclusion that the question of whether it will be good for fundraising or not should not influence the decision of where we go to church. Despite the fact that I will have tons of fellowship and interaction with other believers through the campus ministry, my family will not. The church needs to be an extension of my training up my children into who God wants them to be and it should exemplify what God wants his church to be. I want my children to follow Christ with all of their being and to believe that the body assembled is important to the world. Many people think that the church is irrelevant; that is the result of many churches being irrelevant. I want my kids to see God's glory shining through His collected people. A healthy church helps in doing that.
Combining my desire to introduce students to a healthy church environment and my responsibility to raise my family in the Lord, I am left with deciding that I will do what the Lord wants rather than to please potential partners who need to believe in me and my ministry.
This is the biggest example of this temptation in my life, but it is cropping up all the time. I have decided to take the stubborn road of just doing what I think is best in regards to my ministry and my life rather than doing what I think will make me most appealing to others for raising money. It does become somewhat more difficult in that fundraising is part of my ministry. The partners I find through fundraising are people I want to diligently pray for and minister to if they need it. I will not be able to do the ministry without them. But I need to just focus on God and what he wants of me. If I do something to please men rather than God, I begin to place my trust in men and my witty wisdom. If I follow Him, He will provide.
It's not about pleasing myself or others; it's about pleasing God.
Rich Mullins wrote in his song, My One Thing:
Save me from those things that might distract me
Please take them away and purify my heart
I don't want to lose the eternal for the things that are passing
'Cause what will I have when the world is gone
If it isn't for the love that goes on and on with
My one thing
You're my one thing
And the pure in heart shall see God
Thursday, December 11, 2008
World renowned New Testament scholar, Ben Witherington III has a review of both Rob Bell and the next segment of his Nooma videos. I found it to be fair and insightful. Check it out for yourself here.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Christmas Revolution (revisited)
Last January I posted the following thoughts on how to celebrate Christmas. I decided to re-post it, including the comments. I know that at least I needed the reminder.
The Caroland family is coming off the busiest, toughest Christmas season to date. It was too much. Our kids are still recovering from the relentless celebrating.

There is so much that just is not good for kids about Christmas. There is too much sugar, too much stimulation, too much stuff, too many activities and festivities, and too little rest. The expectations are placed too high, or at least misplaced. Therefore, the inevitable disappointment brings them too low.
I'd like to say that emphasizing Christ's birth solves the problem, but practically speaking, it only adds to pressure with more expectations and things to do.
We try hard as parents to provide our children with a special Christmas experience, but the result is too often worn-down and sick children who crack at the drop of the hat. Then we are frustrated that they are acting spoiled and ungrateful. But really, what should we expect after all of that? Are we the models of joy and contentment come December 27th?
So, I have come up with a few ways to turn that around. Some of these things have been field tested by us. The others will be next year, Lord willing.
1. Have yourself a very little Christmas- I know, "Good luck with that." There are too many expectations and responsibilities placed on you by family, schools, church, neighbors and friends. However, part of being a healthy responsible adult is learning to say 'no'. And your kids need you to do that.
Can Christmas be meaningful for you and your family if you skip out on some ceremonies even if they are part of your tradition? Yes, in fact, it may be more more meaningful if they are given rest and time to digest it all.
And the stuff. It's fun for us to buy stuff for our kids. It's fun to watch them open things. But there is a principle I have observed. The more stuff they get, the less they can enjoy any of it. It's overwhelming. Things they would have loved any other time of the year get lost in the pile.
Sam suggested three presents be the number. That's what Jesus got, after all. I'm not sure what to do about the presents from everyone else, though.
2. Teach them to let go- Before Christmas and birthdays, we have the kids go through their toys and fill up a garbage bag to be given away. We donate them to Goodwill or some other place. We even encourage them to give away toys they like. In this way, toys lose the grip they have on their hearts a little, they learn to be concerned for others, and we have less things to care for. This has worked well for us.
3. Share the thrill of impact giving- Our kids already like giving. Hannah could not wait for her mom to see that porcelain angel she got her from the dollar store. And that's good.
But anyone who has been used by God to fill a need knows how much more exciting that is than knocking down a Christmas list filled with people who have all they need.
Next year, Hannah and Eli (if he is mature enough by then) will be choosing a way to give something to those with nothing. Perhaps some livestock or something like that.
I'd love your suggestions while it is fresh in your mind.
The Caroland family is coming off the busiest, toughest Christmas season to date. It was too much. Our kids are still recovering from the relentless celebrating.

There is so much that just is not good for kids about Christmas. There is too much sugar, too much stimulation, too much stuff, too many activities and festivities, and too little rest. The expectations are placed too high, or at least misplaced. Therefore, the inevitable disappointment brings them too low.
I'd like to say that emphasizing Christ's birth solves the problem, but practically speaking, it only adds to pressure with more expectations and things to do.
We try hard as parents to provide our children with a special Christmas experience, but the result is too often worn-down and sick children who crack at the drop of the hat. Then we are frustrated that they are acting spoiled and ungrateful. But really, what should we expect after all of that? Are we the models of joy and contentment come December 27th?
So, I have come up with a few ways to turn that around. Some of these things have been field tested by us. The others will be next year, Lord willing.
1. Have yourself a very little Christmas- I know, "Good luck with that." There are too many expectations and responsibilities placed on you by family, schools, church, neighbors and friends. However, part of being a healthy responsible adult is learning to say 'no'. And your kids need you to do that.
Can Christmas be meaningful for you and your family if you skip out on some ceremonies even if they are part of your tradition? Yes, in fact, it may be more more meaningful if they are given rest and time to digest it all.
And the stuff. It's fun for us to buy stuff for our kids. It's fun to watch them open things. But there is a principle I have observed. The more stuff they get, the less they can enjoy any of it. It's overwhelming. Things they would have loved any other time of the year get lost in the pile.
Sam suggested three presents be the number. That's what Jesus got, after all. I'm not sure what to do about the presents from everyone else, though.
2. Teach them to let go- Before Christmas and birthdays, we have the kids go through their toys and fill up a garbage bag to be given away. We donate them to Goodwill or some other place. We even encourage them to give away toys they like. In this way, toys lose the grip they have on their hearts a little, they learn to be concerned for others, and we have less things to care for. This has worked well for us.
3. Share the thrill of impact giving- Our kids already like giving. Hannah could not wait for her mom to see that porcelain angel she got her from the dollar store. And that's good.
But anyone who has been used by God to fill a need knows how much more exciting that is than knocking down a Christmas list filled with people who have all they need.
Next year, Hannah and Eli (if he is mature enough by then) will be choosing a way to give something to those with nothing. Perhaps some livestock or something like that.
I'd love your suggestions while it is fresh in your mind.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Praying Over SUVs
I do not know what to think of this story. A Detroit preacher prays over three SUVs, one from each of the Detroit car makers.
SUVs at altar, Detroit church prays for a bailout
Part of me thinks about all of the other people that are already struggling in our nation and around the world. It seems like they are playing second fiddle to the automakers.
Also, an SUV really is not the symbol of responsible caretaker to the environment. I wonder if they should have prayed over some of the hybrids rather than the kings of the gas guzzlers.
But God does care about the automakers although they have been living disproportionately better than other Americans for the last forty years despite doing the same sort of labor.
I'm confused on what to think. Anyone have any guidance?
SUVs at altar, Detroit church prays for a bailout
Part of me thinks about all of the other people that are already struggling in our nation and around the world. It seems like they are playing second fiddle to the automakers.
Also, an SUV really is not the symbol of responsible caretaker to the environment. I wonder if they should have prayed over some of the hybrids rather than the kings of the gas guzzlers.
But God does care about the automakers although they have been living disproportionately better than other Americans for the last forty years despite doing the same sort of labor.
I'm confused on what to think. Anyone have any guidance?
The Song of Your Life
I am finishing up some things for this semester (a paper, learning German) so here is a humorous video with a interesting conclusion. I thought it was appropriate for this Christmas season.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
There Is A Good
I have noticed lately that our society's newest fad belief is that good does not exist. This belief is not all that new in the history of mankind, but it seems to be gaining ground in our culture. Video games are being filled with decisions where all the options available to a player are a bad choice or a very bad choice. There is no good option. This message is not contained only in the medium that probably has the most influence on the teenage minds in our nation.
It manifests itself in politics where we usually vote for the lesser of two evils. We settle on the church we attend because it is most in line with what we want to be part of despite its faults. One of the workers at Clem's believes that people only do loving things for selfish reasons. We never seem to have a choice between that which is good and that which is evil.
Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist and a frequent guest on NPR, stated when asked about war being a moral endeavor, "The world rarely offers us a choice between the moral and the immoral. It's usually a choice between the immoral and the more immoral. That's why moral decision making is so tough."
I struggle with this concept. Reality screams that life is not a choice between good and evil. We are inundated between choosing the lesser of two evils every day. I can see the sense in believing there really is no good. Life does not appear black and white. My struggle might be the result of having allowed myself to be absorbed into our culture rather than to stand as a witness in it.
This belief that there are only lesser degrees of evil is going to be a prevailing thought that we are going to have to tackle in the coming years if we are going to help people become disciples of Christ. We must know and have our lives testify that there is good.
I must find the good path and walk in it, yet the only good I can do is reflect God's goodness through the life I live. There is good. The question is whether we are faithful enough to sacrifice our own desires and bring it about.
It manifests itself in politics where we usually vote for the lesser of two evils. We settle on the church we attend because it is most in line with what we want to be part of despite its faults. One of the workers at Clem's believes that people only do loving things for selfish reasons. We never seem to have a choice between that which is good and that which is evil.
Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist and a frequent guest on NPR, stated when asked about war being a moral endeavor, "The world rarely offers us a choice between the moral and the immoral. It's usually a choice between the immoral and the more immoral. That's why moral decision making is so tough."
I struggle with this concept. Reality screams that life is not a choice between good and evil. We are inundated between choosing the lesser of two evils every day. I can see the sense in believing there really is no good. Life does not appear black and white. My struggle might be the result of having allowed myself to be absorbed into our culture rather than to stand as a witness in it.
This belief that there are only lesser degrees of evil is going to be a prevailing thought that we are going to have to tackle in the coming years if we are going to help people become disciples of Christ. We must know and have our lives testify that there is good.
"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5:16).
Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?" "Why do you ask me about what is good?" Jesus replied. "There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments."
"Which ones?" the man inquired. Jesus replied, " 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother,' and 'love your neighbor as yourself.' " "All these I have kept," the young man said. "What do I still lack?" Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, "Who then can be saved?" Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:16-26)
I must find the good path and walk in it, yet the only good I can do is reflect God's goodness through the life I live. There is good. The question is whether we are faithful enough to sacrifice our own desires and bring it about.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"Fearing the Lord is about having a healthy respect for him."
That has been the prevailing teaching on fearing the Lord, in my experience anyway. But as a logophile (I had to look that one up), that has never set well.
I do not fear police, but I do a have a healthy respect for their ability to penalize my behavior. My son does not have a 'healthy respect' for monsters. He fears them. There is a substantial difference. If the text meant healthy respect, I'm guessing that it could have done a better job expressing that.
I am not just a lover of words, I am also a lover of God's Word. And the above theory fairs no better there. Encounters with God consistently involve people completely paralyzed by 'healthy respect' to point that they die, become like dead people, or think they will die for it.
Then there passages like Jeremiah 5:22 "Should you not fear me?" declares the LORD. Should you not tremble in my presence?" Trembling does not result from respect, but from fear.
The motive behind the theory is legit. God is love, not a monster. What do we fear of Him? How do we fear him and have faith in what he has said about forgiveness and sonship?
Good questions, but twisting what fear is does not solve it.
Perhaps we should look again at what we are taught about fearing God.
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline." (Proverbs 1:7)
Did you notice that fear is the beginning place of wisdom? Might it not be the ongoing dwelling place of wisdom? Might wisdom lead us eventually, humbly and faithfully away from fear.
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." (1 John 4:18)
This is not dogma. It is merely a thought that needs to be tested against the hearts and minds of other Spirit-Dwellings and against the rest of Scripture. The context of that 1 John passage seems to support it.
A Movement of Mercy
I took my youth group to the “Catholic Action Center” this past Sunday. This is a place of hope for the homeless in Lexington, KY that seeks to fill the gaps missed by other organizations.
Before they opened in 2000 they talked to homeless people at a town hall meeting and asked what they needed most and then tried to fill those needs. Besides things like food, shelter, and clothes, they needed a place to go to the bathroom, a place to clean up, and a place to hang out. Though they did those things, often they were subject to being arrested for loitering, public urination, etc. In addition, they needed a place to wash their clothes. After all, how could they put their best foot forward at interviews and things (both physically and in their own mindsets) if they were wearing dirty, nasty clothing? So this Center and some surrounding buildings attempt to meet those needs.
It proved to be a great experience. Some of us served food while others sorted clothes to be given out at “God’s Garments”. The center is based on the “Catholic Worker Movement” which started during the Great Depression in the 30s. It is not affiliated with Catholicism but with the universal understanding that all of God’s people should be cared for. I recommend finding a center in your area and getting involved, as it is all done by volunteer efforts.
Below is a brief history of the movement written by Jim Forest for The Encyclopedia of American Catholic History.
The Catholic Worker Movement By Jim Forest
The Catholic Worker movement was founded in 1933 during the Great Depression by Dorothy Day at the urging of Peter Maurin. It is best known for houses of hospitality located in run-down sections of many cities, though a number of Catholic Worker centers exist in rural areas. Food, clothing, shelter and welcome is extended by unpaid volunteers to those in need according to the ability of each household. In 1995 there were 134 Catholic Worker communities, all but three in the United States.
"Our rule is the works of mercy," said Dorothy Day. "It is the way of sacrifice, worship, a sense of reverence."
Beyond hospitality, Catholic Worker communities are known for activity in support of labor unions, human rights, cooperatives, and the development of a nonviolent culture. Those active in the Catholic Worker are often pacifists people seeking to live an unarmed, nonviolent life. During periods of military conscription, Catholic Workers have been conscientious objectors to military service. Many of those active in the Catholic Worker movement have been jailed for acts of protest against racism, unfair labor practices, social injustice and war.
With its stress on voluntary poverty, the Catholic Worker has much in common with the early Franciscans, while its accent on community, prayer and hospitality has Benedictine overtones.
"We try to shelter the homeless and give them clothes," Dorothy Day explained, "but there is strong faith at work. We pray. If an outsider who comes to visit us doesn't pay attention to our prayers and what that means, then he'll miss the whole point."
It is unlikely that any religious community was ever less structured than the Catholic Worker. Each community is autonomous. There is no board of directors, no sponsor, no system of governance, no endowment, no pay checks, no pension plans. Since Dorothy Day's death, there has been no central leader.
Before they opened in 2000 they talked to homeless people at a town hall meeting and asked what they needed most and then tried to fill those needs. Besides things like food, shelter, and clothes, they needed a place to go to the bathroom, a place to clean up, and a place to hang out. Though they did those things, often they were subject to being arrested for loitering, public urination, etc. In addition, they needed a place to wash their clothes. After all, how could they put their best foot forward at interviews and things (both physically and in their own mindsets) if they were wearing dirty, nasty clothing? So this Center and some surrounding buildings attempt to meet those needs.
It proved to be a great experience. Some of us served food while others sorted clothes to be given out at “God’s Garments”. The center is based on the “Catholic Worker Movement” which started during the Great Depression in the 30s. It is not affiliated with Catholicism but with the universal understanding that all of God’s people should be cared for. I recommend finding a center in your area and getting involved, as it is all done by volunteer efforts.
Below is a brief history of the movement written by Jim Forest for The Encyclopedia of American Catholic History.
The Catholic Worker Movement By Jim Forest
The Catholic Worker movement was founded in 1933 during the Great Depression by Dorothy Day at the urging of Peter Maurin. It is best known for houses of hospitality located in run-down sections of many cities, though a number of Catholic Worker centers exist in rural areas. Food, clothing, shelter and welcome is extended by unpaid volunteers to those in need according to the ability of each household. In 1995 there were 134 Catholic Worker communities, all but three in the United States.
"Our rule is the works of mercy," said Dorothy Day. "It is the way of sacrifice, worship, a sense of reverence."
Beyond hospitality, Catholic Worker communities are known for activity in support of labor unions, human rights, cooperatives, and the development of a nonviolent culture. Those active in the Catholic Worker are often pacifists people seeking to live an unarmed, nonviolent life. During periods of military conscription, Catholic Workers have been conscientious objectors to military service. Many of those active in the Catholic Worker movement have been jailed for acts of protest against racism, unfair labor practices, social injustice and war.
With its stress on voluntary poverty, the Catholic Worker has much in common with the early Franciscans, while its accent on community, prayer and hospitality has Benedictine overtones.
"We try to shelter the homeless and give them clothes," Dorothy Day explained, "but there is strong faith at work. We pray. If an outsider who comes to visit us doesn't pay attention to our prayers and what that means, then he'll miss the whole point."
It is unlikely that any religious community was ever less structured than the Catholic Worker. Each community is autonomous. There is no board of directors, no sponsor, no system of governance, no endowment, no pay checks, no pension plans. Since Dorothy Day's death, there has been no central leader.
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Excellent post and ideas reflecting much of what we discussed during our visit. 2 and 3 especially are great as it reminds us that God's blessings (gifts) are not just for our enjoyment but are to be used to bless the rest of the word.
In regard to presents from others, might I propose something that is often done or funerals. Many families have people donate money or gifts to a cause in honor of the deceased. So, when people ask what to get your kid, have then donate to the Worldvision gifts pack that you linked in #3. Sure, it is not as fulfilling to the giver as seeing your child unwrap that new car or doll, but also imagine saying to your child - "Now we can buy a family a cow instead of just a chicken" or something like that. It builds excitement and accomplishes what you propose.
Mike and I have opted out of many Christmas activities and traditions for most of our marriage for the reasons you listed and some additional ones. We weren't sure how well that was going to work when we became parents, but I think we survived fairly well all things considered.
We decided that we would give our son one largish present that would be meaningful or useful in some way and a couple stocking stuffer type gifts. We ended up getting him a shelving unit for his bedroom. Other people still bombarded him with toys and clothes, but we did request a number of books from the grandparents since he loves to read and be read to, and we can use those throughout the coming year.
We didn't have a special time of "let's give away stuff", but we go through toys and clothes pretty regularly and weed things out all the time.
Having a 9-year old, we let our son decide on whether or not to participate in several traditions. We told him that we want the holidays to be a special time, but we want to be able to focus on the activities that are really special to us, so if he wanted to do it, we would, and if he didn't, we wouldn't. He actually said no to most of the things, and I don't think any of us felt like we missed out on anything.
I love sharing with other's what we've decided for our family. We've only done it two years so far and it's been different each year already.
We give gifts to each other in three categories. God provides for our needs, God delights in us and wants to bless us, God wants a growing relationship with us.
God provides - gloves, socks
Delights - toys
Relationship - movie, cd, new Bible, book about Godly character.
I like this format for us because we don't focus on the number of gifts but the reason for them. Also, it helps the kids remember what they got and why they got it. I also wrap them specific to their category. Provides has birds on it. God takes care of the sparrows kind of thing. It's a lot of fun!
Also, this year we did Advent. It was so awesome! Each night at dinner we'd light a candle and read just one verse. It was the same verse each time until the next week began. So great! I'm excited to expand on it as the kids grow older.
You know, we're not very good though having our kids give. That's something to work on for sure. Last year we gave our oldest money on Christmas morning to us as service. We forgot this year :)