Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Dad splashes in the shallow end

Let me share with you the story that my mother recently shared with me concerning some long-time friends of ours.

Tanya is about ten years older than me, but we grew up in the same small church, and she is good friends with my mom. She married Art. Art is a very gifted carpenter, and has always done very well for himself.

However, with the economy being what it is, nobody was ordering anything. He hadn’t worked in months. Recently, Tanya’s son, a high school boy, I believe, asked his mom if she was still giving to God. She told him 'no'. No money had come in, so none was being given back to Him. He told her that he thinks she should give anyway, because God says that you cannot out-give him.

She said, “Fine”. She sat in church and wrote a check for basically what was left in her checking. She offered this prayer, “God, I hope this doesn’t bounce.”

That week Art got a contract to build all the counter-tops for a Walmart. And they want him to do 100 more Walmarts too. But that’s not all. Tanya just got a well-paying job too. But that’s not all. They also won some contest with Sony where Sony gave $20,000 worth of free equipment including plasma tvs, stereos, camera, video camera, a Wii, and more. Plus they will be in Sony’s internet commercials. But that’s not all they also won some other contest that my mom could not remember the details of.

So what do you do with a story like this? I hesitate to tell it. I fear people will come away with the idea that God is the magic piggy bank. "Give to him and he will fill your house with plasmas."

But I tell this story, because it's true. I know these people well. It happened. Therefore, it is a part of His story, a very fascinating part really. It is a part of who he is.

That's not him in total. Sometimes he allows the rewards to go unseen until we meet him in heaven.

And frankly, I love that God would honor the faith of a high school boy over the theology of someone with a bacheloreate in biblical theology. And I love that God stoops to the shallow now and again surprise and delight his children.

1 comment:

mindbender said...

Sony gave someone a Wii? Seems fishy to me. I'll take your word for it though.