Sunday, August 19, 2007

5-Minute Sermon

My Sunday School class discussed the nature of War and Non-Violence yesterday. So I thought I would read about it, but from a different point of view:

War! War! War!
May 1, 1859

“Fight the battles of the Lord.” [1 Samuel 18:17]
We will not take these words in their literal sense, as they came from the lips of Saul, when he gave David his elder daughter, Merab, to marry; but will adapt the passage, and use it as an exhortation given to the church of Jesus Christ, and to every Soldier of Jesus: “Fight the battles of the Lord.” Although this exhortation is not found in the exact words, coming from the lips of Jesus, nevertheless the whole tenor of the Word of God says the same thing - “Fight the battles of the Lord.”

In the present crisis of our nation, the minds of men are extremely troubled with dreadful prospects of a terrible struggle. We do not know where this trouble may lead us. The signs of the times are dark and dreadful. We fear that the bowls of God’s wrath are about to be poured out, and that the earth will be flooded with blood. As long as there remains a hope, let us pray for peace, yes, even in the time of war let us still plead with the throne of God, crying, that he would “send us peace in our days.”

However, while we anxiously watch the contest, it would be good if we get involved in it ourselves. Not that this nation of England should touch it; God forbid. If tyrants fight, let them fight; let free men stand at a distance. Why should England have anything to do with all the coming battles? Just as God has cut us off from Europe by a rough and stormy sea, so let us be kept apart from all the clashes and turmoils into which tyrants and their slaves may engage in. When I speak about joining in the fight, I speak about a spiritual battle; I speak to the church of Jesus Christ. I say, “Let us join in the fight; let us have something to do. We cannot be neutral; we never have been. The Lord’s army is always in hostility to sin. “My voice is still for war.” The senate of Christ’s church can never talk of peace. For thus it is written: “The Lord will be at war.”

Now, What are these, “…battles of the Lord”? These are battles with sin, and battles with false doctrines, and battles with war. Fight these battles Christian and you will have enough to do.

Here I would observe that there are some people who are very fond of watching, and not fighting. Perhaps five out of every six of our church members do very little and only watch the battle. You go to see them, and you say, “Well, what is your church doing?” “Well, we bless God, we are doing a great deal; we have a Sunday school, with so many children; our minister preaches so many times a week, and so many members have been added to the churches. The sick are visited; the poor are fed and comforted.” And just then you interrupt them, and say, “Well, friend, I am glad to hear that your church is doing so much; but exactly which work is it that you do? Do you teach in the Sunday school?” “No.” “Do you preach?” “No.” “Do you visit the sick?” “No.” Do you assist in the discipline of the church?” “No.” “Do you contribute to the poor?” “No.” Then wait a minute, I thought you said you were doing so much. Step back, sir, if you please, you are doing nothing at all. Be ashamed! Your master does not say, “Watch the battles of the Lord;” but “Fight” them.

Dear brothers and sisters, look around and see what you can do, every one of you. Do something today. Don’t let this Sunday go by without every one of you trying to be the means of winning a soul to God. Go to your Sunday Schools; go to your Bible Studies; go to your neighborhoods; go to your families, your mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters; go home and do something today. “Fight the battles of the Lord.” You can do nothing by yourselves; but God will be with you. If you have the will to serve him, he will give you the power. Go today, and seek to heal some rift, to end some hostility, to defeat some sin, or to drive out some error; and God being with you, will make this a happier day to your soul, and a holier day to the world than you have seen in your entire life before.

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