Friday, July 11, 2008

Wine at the Wedding

What would happen if Jesus came to a non-alcoholic wedding and turned the punch into wine? Do you think some who profess to follow him would kick him out? Or would they just leave? Or would they join in the festivities having a good time with Jesus? What would I do? What would you do?

Is there room at our weddings and in our lives for a radical like Jesus?


Sam said...

I understand what you are getting at, but I think you are using a poor example. What Jesus did was more about saving a family/couple from shame (i.e. running out of wine during the wedding feast).

Better examples exist such as the Temple Incident, feasting with sinners, Zacchaeus, etc. to put it in our modern culture, what if Jesus went to a party at the house of a couple that was known for being swingers and invited you. Would you go? Could you go without being judgmental? Should you be judgmental?

Regan Clem said...

So you don't think Jesus would turn water into wine to have a good time. He would only do it to prevent a family from shame?

I think I would kick him out and I am ashamed of that.

Sam said...

I don't deny that Jesus liked to have a good time. After all, he had the reputation of being a "wine bibber" (probably because he regularly hung around such people). Someone made the point (Rob Bell, Shane Claiborne, somebody else) that Jesus was the kind of guy who got invited to parties. You don't see any Pharisees there giving him a hard time. They probably weren't invited. So Jesus' very presence indicates that yes, he liked to have fun. He liked to celebrate with people. And there is much for us to learn from such stories.